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can you make it so that you can play as the martians too


TheyAreComing with UEVR

Is this still indev? Things have been pretty quiet for a long time now.

whats the new game called i wanna play it when its ready


Hello?! Is this game still in development? It's also coop? ty.


Yes. In active development.

will interlakes cost money?





Well made game tx dev :))))))))))))))

hello good game but are u still working on interlakes?


Yes cause I can't wait to play it when it releases is there any release date?

Not yet


Can i play a demo of interlakes please?

when will you release INTERLAKES?

It's TBA. We're working very hard on it

(1 edit) (+1)

It's great! Excellent graphics and playability. It would be nice that if you make the game longer, there was the possibility of saving the game so if you die you don't have to start from the beginning. It would also be nice if you have the ability to crouch to hide behind trucks or cars.

Thanks. We're actively working on a better and much improved game. Initial news coming soon. Stay tuned.

Looks great, going to be trying this demo out later today. War of the Worlds is one of my favorite stories in any genre. I LOVE how you did the tendrils holding onto the people and throwing things around. 

Thanks, we are working on this game seriously every day.

abran mas actualizaciones?? aun no puedo probarlo por que meda error de descarga pero lo veo genial y mas por los videos que vi en el canal de youtube

Download tested. There was no problem. And thank you for your comment


Nice Graphics, Nice Game in general.

I also produce on Unreal Engine, take an eye on my project


Looks really cool. It has potential for sure! 

One thing that was missing was screen-shake or some indication on that it is a weapon im firing. Felt like i was shooting with a bb-gun or some kind of toy. 

Other than that good job!  I really hope this game gets finnished! 





im so glad that there is athother war of the worlds game. its really nicely done.


two things

how do you get more ammo?

have you thought of adding a leveling up/ perk system?

Thanks for playing this game. There's no ammo in this prototype, but there will be in a future update.

A leveling up system sounds like a good idea. Thanks for sharing that.


you are welcome


Are you still working on the game? Its sorta old but, it looks amazing!

Yes! It's actively in development. We'll have some updates soon.


The game looks really good. Loved the atmosphere. I hope you will continue this project. There is much potential here.

Definitely we'll continue working on this game. This was intended for unreal megajam. But as we received many positive feedback, we decided to work full time on this game. So, you'll see many great features in near future.


Are you guys still working on this? I really hope you decide to take it further and flesh it out into a full WotW experience. Literally been waiting 15 years for a  decent looking game like this. Great job.

(1 edit) (+1)

Yes! Not even we're working on this game, we're trying to improve all aspects of it. We're working on a new and better system, but we'll make a good update to this very game here too. Your comment is very encouraging. Thank you so much! If you have any ideas to improve this game, please share that.


That's great to hear! I have so many ideas lol I don't want to fanboy out and post essay long lists and I understand the limits of game development, but my dream game would be something like Dayz (but better) with tripods.

Open world, survival like with aspects such as food/water/crafting systems (molotovs, pipebombs, bandages etc...), finding better weapons/armor (Rpg's/flame resistant clothing etc...) 

Stealth aspects, hiding from tripods,  flying machines, crawlers etc... 

Maybe a journal for some exploration aspects, cataloging places, events, people, martians. 

Realistic tripods. It feels amazing standing near the tripods in the demo but they don't exactly walk with weight and their legs are too quick, understandable obviously considering 3 weeks development.
If tripods could capture people with their tentacles, search houses/basements with their mechanical eye, harvest humans and fertilise with red weed that would add to immersion.

If I could play something like this, I could officially die happy! :D 


Also, Invasion Mode: Be the alien and wreak havoc on humanity! 

Thanks for your time and for sharing your good ideas with us.

The game we have in mind which we're working on has some modes to play and survival will be one of them. We're trying to improve every aspect of "They Are Coming" and it's very important for us that enemies and monsters (including tripods) will be smarter, some very horrifying and very exciting.

We don't want to promise something we can't make because our fans are very important and valuable to us; so I don't get into details here. I can say that we want the player to have a very exciting experience in different situations and we want to convey a sense of monsters being alive and not just some artificial intelligence beings.

We avoid repetition. We don't want to waste player's time. And we will try our best to have a perfect game.

(1 edit)

Thanks. Your ideas are very valuable to us. We'll definitely consider them.


Very entertaining game.



(1 edit)

The game was rather unplayable for me because of performance issues. I'm not surprised though, considering my hardware is rather old at this point. It's honestly a credit to yourselves that it runs at all, since Unreal 4 games rarely do on my dinosaur of a gaming laptop.

You mentioned you wanted hardware settings if it didn't perform well, so here's a link to a pastebin.

I cut out all the information I felt wasn't relevant, so if something's missing just let me know.



Thanks for your comment. Have you tried the updated version came nearly 4 days ago which has a settings menu? If so, have you tried to lower the quality to see if frame rate improves?

(1 edit) (+1)

this is a good concept but my suggestions are make the legs move more freely and more flexible movements on the tripods. they could use sounds also like a horn and walking sounds. edit:nvm they have sounds 


Thank you very much. These are good ideas indeed.


I agree but even still this is only 3 weeks of development. Given more time i'm sure these guys would give us more authentic moving/sounding tripods. 


where you inspired by war  of the world


Yes! It's mentioned above too.


it's a good prototype! i can see many directions you can go from this so im eager play the full game. great job


Thanks. Your support is really appreciated. Any ideas would be welcomed.


really cool game liked it a lot and cant wait to see more of it when if you go further with it!!


Thank you. Really appreciate your support.


no problem and your welcome!!


We've uploaded a video


the game was laggy for me 


Thanks for playing the game. Could you tell us what is your hardware? And btw, we're working on a patch to introduce a settings menu which will improve the frame rate.


Hi, we've updated the game to address this issue.


First of all thanks for this awesome game. I really like this game and made a full Gameplay for you... Rated 5/5 :)) Thanks Again.


We appreciate that. Thank you for your support.


Your Subscription will be appreciated on my channel

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good idea

Thank you. If you have any idea to improve this game, we'll appreciate that.

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you game is good please make defult select  graphic set


Thanks. We're working on a quick patch to introduce a settings menu.

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thank u


Hi, we've updated the game. Performance of the game is much better and we've also added a settings menu.


Hi, we've updated the game. Now it runs smoother than before and there won't be any lagging. Hopefully!